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Want to help create next generation malaria vaccines and actually make a difference? Expertise in immunology, vaccinology or molecular parasitology? Keen to help develop our pre-erythrocytic/sporozoite vaccine program? If you are passionate about malaria, vaccines and interested in joining us in Sydney please read on:


PhD students | To join the lab you must obtain a studentship or scholarship that covers your fees and gives you a stipend. There are several of these open to students at UNSW (see here for more details). Whilst we're always open to supporting international studentships unsolicited requests for PhD's without a plan for obtaining a scholarship will likely go unanswered. Note: At present we are at capacity for PhD students.

Postdocs | If you are bright, ambitious and have a strong CV, you may well be in the running for an international postdoctoral fellowship and, if you click with the lab, we’re always willing to pull out the stops to help you get funded.


We’re particularly keen on applications from students or post-doctoral scientists with skills outside the box from computational biology, physical or engineering sciences and students from under-represented communities in science. We’ll teach you how to be a cellular parasitologist/vaccinologist, you teach us how to think differently!

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